Expand your scope through modularity

CUBEDIN software is designed to supplement CMS and IPMS software - not to replace it. Typically, combat system integrators will spend a lot of effort to develop point-to-point integration in a ship programme.

By offering a standard gateway via CUBEDIN this problem can be resolved. And as the number of available Cubes grows, it will become even easier for CMS and IPMS providers to connect with the modules.

As a result, integrators will be able to provide connections to a much larger set of content providers and supply ship’s systems. This then delivers value to the end user in a much faster, more flexible way which is attractive to customers.

And while CUBEDIN offers a core ship infrastructure, it does not interfere with kill chains, leaving this to the combat management system. Similarly, the CUBEDIN gateway does not disrupt the communication between systems integrated as part of the ship’s platform.

Rather, it seamlessly operates alongside both, offering an enhanced reconfiguration solution.