Future-proof your fleet

With the advent of modular concepts comes the ability for navies around the world to keep pace with evolving requirements. CUBEDIN’s solution allows for faster delivery times, cost-effective solutions and greater availability of assets.

Many countries prefer to use specific CMS or IPMS systems but every time a module is added or updated it requires an update of the interface. This is costly, in both time and money, and makes it harder for governments to keep their valuable fleets up-to-date.

Furthermore, point-to-point integration makes it very hard to borrow a module from an alliance partner as it is unlikely to be directly compatible.

However, CUBEDIN’s revolutionary new gateway, combined with the physical interface, makes interchangeability between naval alliance partners possible. This means it is faster, easier and cheaper for navies to configure upgrades on their warships and allows them greater availability to deliver on requested missions.