CUBEDIN is the solution that allows you to build smarter, flexible vessels equipped for the future.

By using CUBEDIN to integrate modular cubes within a ship, you can turn a hull into a multi-capable force that can carry out any type of mission across the world.

This is the integrated solution that allows you to adapt to any environment. To fight across any domain. And to truly link with alliance partners.


For greater availability, ships must be built to adapt for a wide range of missions. CUBEDIN enables this reconfiguration.


CUBEDIN’s software supplements and bypasses integrated, operational systems without replacing them.


By enabling greater availability of ships, CUBEDIN creates wider opportunity for nations to carry out global missions.


With standardised connections CUBEDIN’s flexible gateway seamlessly connects Cubes and the ship’s systems.


By incorporating NATO standard connections, CUBEDIN allows alliance warships to become completely interchangeable.

Set course for a smarter method of shipbuilding

In a world where warfare and global demands are constantly evolving, manufacturers and industry must adapt or risk decline.

Single-purpose ships that take decades to design and build, quickly become obsolete in the modern operating environment.

Modular design means the same hull can be repurposed time and time again. Commercial ships and navies benefit from greater availability; alliances benefit from global-facing task groups and nations benefit from greater maritime security.

Explore the concept

CUBEDIN provides the gateway that allows a ship to be completely reconfigured. Once a ship has been allocated its modules – typically built using The Cube concept – our software creates the interface to link it to the ship and its systems.

3 main components form the solution

The CUBEDIN configurator, where upon selecting a ship and one or more missions, the user can configure the ship with available Cubes suitable for the selected mission(s). The configurator can be used as part of an Alliance (e.g NATO) or national tasking with different levels of functionality configured for each level.

The CUBEDIN gateway enables both interoperability and adaptability by acting as an interface between Cubes and the ship’s operational systems, e.g Combat Management System (CMS) and the Integrated Platform Management System (IPMS). This contrasts with the traditional point-to-point integration, which is not interoperable or adaptable. CUBEDIN’s solution does not interfere with the interface between guns, radars and CMS.

The CUBEDIN Unified Frontend enables all Cubes that have been loaded onto the ship to display their own (micro)frontend on a shared frontend. Here the user can then access functionality from each Cube in one place.

True value all around

All parties involved in the production of ships are unified by one goal – delivering value to the end user. The flexibility of the CUBEDIN concept offers exactly that by taking a modern, adaptive approach that gives the end user choice and value in the configuration of their vessels.

The standardised software and physical interfaces ensure the global utility of both the design and the resultant product, with a time-efficient and cost-effective approach to the build, all of which is attractive to the end user.

For navies, the CUBEDIN concept allows greater availability of ships both through the ability to work within alliances that also use the concept, and in having more efficient maintenance periods and reconfiguration processes.